My OCs

This page collects and organizes information and, more importantly, pictures I've commissioned of various characters, mostly my D&D characters.

Note that I do not own the copyright to any of these illustrations; the respective artists do. These are for personal use only (but feel free to use them for your own personal use, if anything speaks to you).

Chester Highwall

Born the youngest of his litter, he exudes "runt who got swole" energy. After his mercenary troupe was killed by bandits while he was going to the bathroom, he went looking for a new score, and ended up being convinced to go on a wild journey to the misty jungles of Chult. While there he repeatedly failed at taming a single animal, and eventually was turned to stone by a medusa.

Pronouns: he. Alignment: black-red. Class: pugilist.

Chester pose sheet. Artist: Han Templer @hannahtempler


A theatre kid in a world where the theatre is a front for an insanity demon's cult. (Olidammara, the door-opener! Olidammara, the chain-breaker! Olidammar, the soul-eater!) Gave up their "face" as their initiation sacrifice; in return they can look like anyone but themselves now.

Pronouns: they. Alignment: blue/black. Class: warlock

Fer mid-transformation. Artist: Han Templer @hannahtempler
Fer pre-transformation. Artist: Han Templer @hannahtempler

PB Jones

Currently adventuring in Barovia, but Strahd pulled him from his original world which I keep making up details for and nobody is stopping me.

PB (short for Praise-Bahamut-For-It-Is-Thru-His-Grace-We-Are-Saved) Jones is a tiefling living in Fantasy New England, son of a respected Fantasy Puritan family. Tiefs were kicked out of Fantasy England for worshipping Bahamut too hard, and came to colonize the Fantasy New World. (Bahamut is God, and his son, Jesus, was crucified by the Fantasy Romans. Jesus was also a literal 40' dragon.) PB attends Fantasy Harvard on a Fantasy Football scholarship.

Pronouns: he. Alignment: red/white. Class: paladin (a little hexblade warlock now, too).

PB's glamour shot. Artist: Han Templer @hannahtempler
PB in armor, wielding Donny the Sunblade (also his warlock patron). Artist: Tate @thegirltate
PB's yearbook photo. Artist: Kendra Wells @kendrawcandraw

Marie-Hélène Hauet

An elite soldier tasked with defending mage circles during the Great War. Now that it's over, she's spending her commission wandering the continent and getting into trouble. Was a pinup model during the war; stopped an expansion of the Mournlands; has a sentient cursed arrow-attracting shield called "Pincushion" inhabited by a demon of pain; currently the CFO of a shipping company.

Pronouns: she. Alignment: blue-red. Class: artificer.

Marie-Hélène casting, surrounded by her crystal shields. Artist: Nahanli @nahanili
Marie-Hélène cooking with her friend Iron. Artist: Kibu @pxkibu
Marie-Hélène bust. Artist: Lluis Abadias @LluisAbadias
War propaganda poster featuring Marie-Hélène. Artist: Kibu @pxkibu

(NSFW version)


A indulgent impulse purchase. I put together a cool Team Rocket Grunt halloween costume a few years ago and have worn it several times, and I think it's a great fit in this picture.

My team:

Pronouns: they (he if you're nasty). Alignment: blue-red. Class: technopriest.

Myself as a Team Rainbow Rocket Grunt. Artist: buttercup @btrcp_

Rachel's Druid, Lea

My very first commission, back in high school. Neither of us really remember much about this character, except that she had two direwolves and a dire wolverine who wore a tophat.

Pronouns: she. Alignment: ? (green?). Class: druid.

Lea, with her direwolf companion. Artist: I honestly cannot find it, it's an old acquaintance from the Monte Cook message boards. Will update when I can track them down again.

Rachel's Monk, Ryswinn

From a more recent game, Rys is a myconid researcher adventuring to find new types of mushrooms. Got roped into this whole "giants are rampaging everywhere" nonsense by accident. Killed *two* wizards and claimed their staffs, to the chagrin of our wizard.

Pronouns: she. Alignment: green-blue. Class: monk.

Character ref sheet for Ryswinn. Artist: Kendra Wells @kendrawcandraw

School Daze Party

The party from one of the more recent games I've GM'd for (currently on hiatus while I recharge creative juices). All are attending a dodgy adventuring school in Sharn, and keep stumbling into cross-planar shenanigans.

Davion, the engineer. (he) Artist: Aino Hana @_naoot
Bambam, Dav's little companion with a big cannon. (it) Artist: Aino Hana @_naoot
Iron, the chef. (they) Artist: Aino Hana @_naoot
Kez, the guardian. (he) Artist: Aino Hana @_naoot
Mu, the murder-hobo. (she/a problem) Artist: Aino Hana @_naoot
Samara, the artist. (she) Artist: Aino Hana @_naoot